Injured Workers Community Legal Clinic library

Basic Search Overview

  • Enter search word(s) in any order; put between quotation marks to find exact phrase
  • ALL these search words must be in the record for a match to be found. Like Google there is a default AND between words. (To run a search with OR (find ANY or at least one of these-search words) use the Advanced Search)
  • Case, punctuation (except hyphens), accents and other diacritics do not matter
  • Hyphenated words - enter with hyphen or space (e.g. covid-19 or covid 19 but NOT as single word covid19 )
  • The search automatically looks for plurals or verb endings (-ing), e.g. struggle will find struggles or struggling
  • In Basic Search use symbol * to find words starting with the search term, e.g. citizen* will find citizenship
  • Choose a more focused search by using the drop-down selector at the end of the input field to search against all Keywords, or all Titles, or all Authors or all Subjects

Searching by fields

Choose to search Keywords, Titles, Authors or Subjects by left-clicking on the down arrow icon at the right hand end of the Basic Search entry field:

The KEYWORDS field searches words in title, series, journal source, authors, notes (abstract), publication year and subjects and returns the most records,

Our Contacts

815 Danforth Ave Ste 411 Toronto M4J 1L2

(416) 461-2411